I admit it, this video is not going to blow you away. It's not meant to! It's meant to connect, engage and inspire.
In Marshfield, MO, they are building a house for vulnerable teens called Zuzu's house (set to open in the spring). They saw a problem....vulnerable teens in the community had nowhere to go, so they decided to do something about it.
In this video, the focus is on the problem - vulnerable teens. There isn't a lot said about Zuzu's House but there is a lot said about solving a serious problem they have...vulnerable teens with no place to go. Lisa Tindale is a member of the Zuzu's house board and is also a nurse at the local health department. She has first hand knowledge of the challenges that local vulnerable teens face. I love how she ties in this challenge and a call to action for the local community: "I believe people should donate because this is a community problem. This is our issue. Churches, different organizations, the health department, those kinds of things, that's where the help should come from."
Sometimes it works better to keep it simple! Present the problem and challenge people to support the solution. Don't worry so much about how high quality the video is and or whether or not it meets "branding standards." Branding might keep you "on brand" but it doesn't help much if it doesn't inspire people to donate and doesn't result in increased fundraising.
Are you looking to do more content and storytelling in 2022? Then simply start by finding and telling those great stories and worry less about award-winning video!
Email me at standoutstorytelling@gmail.com to learn more and to start telling your great stories!